Database Management System (Access & MySQL)

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Course Description

Course Fee – ₦60,000


  • The importance of data, data management, and data management systems.
  • Introduction to Database Management System
  • Types of DBMS
  • Features
  • MS Access – What is Microsoft Access?
  • Database terminologies
  • Components of MS Access (Objects)
  • Tables
  • Forms
  • Queries
  • Reports

  Creating and Using Access Database Objects

  • Tables
  • Forms
  • Queries
  • Reports


  • Import and Export from other sources of data
  • Relationships


  • Introduction to MySQL
  • Different types of data, data models, and data management systems
  • Using relational DBMSs
  • SQL: how to create a database, tables, load data, insert/delete, and ask (queries)
  • Structured queries
  • Advanced features
  • Import and Export
  • Joins (Left, Right, Inner, Outer)
  • Security and access control (users)
  • Introduction to MySQL Workbench

Week Six – Project, Revision and Examination