Web Design and Application Development (NodeJS + React + MySQL)

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Course Description

Course Fee – 100,000


            COURSE OUTLINE

            WEEK 1

            • Introduction to Web Development.
            • Introduction to HTML, tags and attributes.
            • Introduction to CSS, types of CSS and using CSS Selectors.
            • CSS properties and variables.

            WEEK 2

            • Web design project using HTML and CSS.
            • Responsive CSS and CSS Media Queries.
            • Design a Responsive Website

            WEEK 3

            • Introduction to JavaScript.
            • Data types and Variables.
            • JavaScript Operators.
            • Objects and Arrays.

            WEEK 4

            • Condition Statement in JavaScript.
            • Looping in JavaScript (while loop, for loop, for-each loop etc.).
            • JavaScript Functions.
            • JavaScript Classes.
            • Destructuring
            • Import & Export
            • Filter & Map Methods
            • Spread syntax


            WEEK 5

            • Template String
            • Arrow function
            • DOM Manipulation in JavaScript.
            • JavaScript Event Handlers.
            • Handling HTML Forms in JavaScript.
            • Session and Local storage in JavaScript.
            • Promises in JavaScript (Async / Await).

            WEEK 6

            • Introduction to ReactJs.
            • Using react using a CDN.
            • Installing Nodejs.
            • Creating a react app/website.
            • JSX & React component structure.
            • Class based and Function based React components.
            • Introduction to props.

            WEEK 7

            • CSS Styling and Inline Styling in ReactJs.
            • Life-cycles in ReactJs.
            • Introduction to React Hooks (useState and useEffect).
            • Custom React Hooks.
            • Higher Order Components.

            WEEK 8

            • Working with forms in ReactJs.
            • Event Handling in ReactJs.
            • Using useCallback, useMemo and useRef Hook.

            WEEK 9

            • Introduction to React Router.
            • React Router Setup.
            • Multi Page React Sites.
            • Links and NavLinks.

            WEEK 10

            • Introduction to ExpressJs.
            • Installing ExpressJs and Building a Web Server.
            • Routes in ExpressJs
            • Static Files and Middleware.
            • Templates and Template Engine.

            WEEK 11

            • Form Handling and Validation in ExpressJs.
            • Sessions and Cookies in ExpressJs.
            • RESTful APIs and JSON, GET and POST requests.
            • User Authentication using cookies and session.
            • Structuring and Managing an ExpressJs Application.

            WEEK 12

            • MySQL Database.
            • Database Tables and Relationships.
            • Database Queries.
            • Connecting your Nodejs to MySQL Database.
            • Database CRUD Operations.
            • Project
            • Examination