Our Services

FEMTECH Information Technology Institute(FITI) is one of the best ICT institutes in Nigeria. FITI deploys efficient I.T solutions that are tailored towards providing effective I.T training for career development.
As a global service company providing IT training and solutions, we offer top-notch yet affordable services for individuals and businesses.

ICT Training & Certification

Providing quality practical & technical hands-on learning experience for building topflight ICT professionals with certification.

Web Solutions

We build befitting modern websites for personal and corporate brands. We help business growth with online presence & promotions.

ICT Consulting

We provide professional advisory service on how best to use information technology to achieve personal and business objectives.

Digital Marketing

Let’s help you promote your business & organization with digital technologies and activities that produce results & sustain business growth.


Our Courses


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What Our Students Say About Us

I honestly had a great experience at Fiti
Talk of the good and experienced teachers, the conducive environment, practical classes... I'll just stop there to save time
All in all, I really had a great time throughout my time at FITI, and I can proudly say it anywhere that I was once a student of the institute and would always be greatly for the opportunity I was given to be part it.
Olowookere Ganiyat
Course: Networking
Meeting competent tutors was really a thing to be happy about I loved the respect for human dignity by tutors. The patience of my own tutor cannot be overemphasized cos many a time, I made him repeat explanations over and over to my understanding...
Finally, though my tutor made me enjoyed my learning experience cos he really condescended, nevertheless, our familiarity was kept aside during my final exam. I feel fulfilled today as I can defend my certificate.
AUDU Matthew Celestine
Course: Diploma in Data processing
As far as one can tell it's been an amazing one. In just few months, I learnt the techniques that I will use over a lifetime to improve my skills.

I also learnt UI & UX, Web design and application development (Laravel) & Web design and management.

Oladipupo Daniela Oyinkansola
Course: Web design and application development (PHP + MYSQL)